Best West Coast US Fishing Spots

22/08/2011 08:46



The west coast of North America offers many different types of fishing, from halibut and salmon in the north to Marlin and Tuna in the south. What all fishing along the west coast has in common is, it’s fabulous. One day when you take a break from playing online fishing games look up some fishing video from the west coast.


On the south east part of the Kenai Peninsula, at the head of resurrection bay is the town of Seward, Alaska. Taking a boat from Seward through the bay and out into the Gulf of Alaska you will see some beautiful rugged land and water but you will also find some amazing halibut fishing.


Using huge fish hook sizes it is not unusual to catch a 300 to 500 pound halibut in these waters. The males are a lot smaller weighing only about 25-35 pounds. Even though the halibut doesn’t fight hard, just a small amount of fight in a 500 pound fish is a lot of fight.


Moving south along the cost and up the Chatham strait, through the Lynn Canal, you will find the town of homer Alaska. All along the Lynn Canal, and even up to the taiya inlet, during the salmon run there is some outstanding fishing.


There are Chinook, also called king salmon, Coho, also called silver salmon, and humpback, also called pink salmon. The pinkies are the little guys at 3-5 pound. The kings are the big ones at 25-30 pounds. Salmon fight hard and run out the line when they’re hooked.


Located at the North West corner of Oregon is the mouth of the Columbia River.  From this large estuary and moving upstream is some wonderful fishing. Steelhead trout, after spending a few years in the Pacific Ocean travel up the Columbia to where they were born. Fishing for these big fish is spectacular.